Monday, May 7, 2007
Ecclesiastes 11:9-10
Rejoice, O young man, in your youth,
And let your heart cheer you in the
days of your youth;
Walk in the ways of your heart,
And in the sight of your eyes;
But know that for all these
God will bring you into judgment.
Therefore remove sorrow from your heart,
And put away evil from your flesh,
For childhood and youth are vanity.
Since the beginning of this year, things doesn't seem to be right in my life. Troubles and challenges just keep coming my way! I have been trying hard to pull myself through with the strength of God. Only in His presence then I find the courage and strength to move on in life. Sometimes little things in life can really cheer me up. Serving God wasn't easy. It takes a lot of me to sacrifice myself and time to Him. His love never fails. He has never fails me. He is faithful. He has changed me completely from inside out ever since I serve him! I thank Him for placing me in a Cg so that I can learn and love the different people in the cg! I thank Him for putting me in Playgroup so that I can use my talent and passion to teach and love the children in the Pg! I wanna shared how encouraged am I by the little children yesterday in pg. Cause usually we will spilt the children into 3 group to go through different lesson like art, games and science center. I was taking the science center and I was suppose to tell story to them using the storybook. haha. I enjoy telling story. It really need a lot of practice telling a simple story. haha. And what happen was when the other group finish their lesson, we have to shift to the other, so that they can attend all 3 center. Then there were some boys who love my story-telling, they were listening very attentively to me. They said they want another story, they do not want to change group, they wanted to hear some more. I am so touched and encouraged! So happy! hee. I aim to tell bible story someday. I am still learning! There's more to teach! Thank God for showing me the child-like faith of the children. Everytime I see them lifting up their hands to worship God, my heart melted. haha. They do not know much about Him, but they trusted in Him. I am reminded of God's everlasting love for everyone! They are so sweet and cute. Indeed children are little angel send by God. hee. Though bad things do happen, GOD can turn the bad things around for GOOD! I just forget about the things that happen in the past and look forward in God. God is a Good God! He is good all the times! All the times, He is good! PRAISE THE LORD!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
11:31 PM