Monday, June 11, 2007
2 more days! work has been tiring.
trying my best to clear the work.
It will never be lighten though.
I am about to be set free! Hehe.
I am really blessed with great colleagues.
I went lunch with my supervisor and some
colleagues today. I gonna miss them.
Oh man. I am letting go finally.
hope that I wun cry on my last day. Haha.
I will miss the good times at aia.
Well, it is really time to let go
let go go go! and let God!!!
I want to be like the "Phoebe" in Romans 16:1-2.
Pastor kong always say you may be poor today,
but when you follow Jesus, you will not be poor
all your life! I will be successful!
I admire 3 woman in church.
1st is sun, 2nd is Nanz chong (owner of 1.99shop)
and 3rd is Pastor Eileen.
They are my role model. I look up to for example.
I believe God will make me the person He want me to be!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:38 PM