Sunday, August 31, 2008
God is Awesome! Just had an interview with Pastor Eileen before svc! i'm just so nervous. Having to talk to Pastor seems comfortable but having to answer the questions that Pastor asked seems so stressful. I think the things that i wanted to say doesn't come out from me. I wonder how would Pastor think of me. The most stressful things is i'm being interviewed by 3 persons. haha. One leader just suddenly popped out and ask me big questions. Seems like an oral test for me. hehe. This interview was to allow me to go for a leadership class for children church which is call SWAP Class. I don't know what it means. haha. Really prayed that I will be able to get in as I waited to go for this class since the beginning of this year! It's something that I looked forward to. Having to learn something from Pastor Eileen, my role model! She is very sweet! I like her smile! =) Gonna believe God and trust God and have faith!!!! I just finished my exam and project for this term. Having a one week break finally! Time to charge up my spiritual and physical battery to be use powerfully by God again!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
3:14 AM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Happy National Day, my friends!
It's been 2 months since the departure of my best friend!
I have always been keeping her in my mind and heart!
I miss you, Hazel!
This has been the toughest moment that I ever been through!
Coping with the loss, continue working, studying and moving on with Life has been extremely difficult! I have tried. I am tired!
Seriously, I do not know how to move on without God's strength!
God has always been my source of strength!
There's no one else but God!
Knowing that Hazel is in God's hand, has comforted me.
But knowing that our appointment to Taiwan has become my disappointment!
It is my greatest regret! As we planned for the trip since the beginning of the year.
I find it so so so hard to face reality.
The thought of seeing her alive but now gone. I can't feel her, I can't hear from her.
It's really hurts.....................................................................................................................
Trying so hard to focus myself on studies and work and ministry and family.
But still, I can't let go of it. She is my best companion.
Everytime, everything, everywhere, everyday I will think of her.
When I am weak, He is strong! I will get stronger. God, sees me through this SEASON.
You are my HEALER! Thank you Jesus!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
11:01 PM