Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Yesterday was great! I thought I was supposed to meet only 3 or 4 secondary school friends. But I saw a lot of old friends when I reached the meeting place. There were some close and some not so close friends. So happy to see them after graduated from school for so many years. God is good! One thing that amazed me was that some of us were in different classes or group in school. We aren't that close in the past. It was indeed a surprise school gathering. Totally unexpected! Thanks all my friends for making the effort to show up. Hehe. Though it was just a short gathering but the kind of feeling was great. We all lead different life after we parted. But it seems that there is a SIM revival whereby most of them are studying in SIM now. Hehe. There's gonna be more! Making a difference in the lives of other!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
9:35 PM