Thursday, November 15, 2007
hellooo. i hope to blog something everyday. here's the things i do today! i bathed 5 infants all at one go. My first time bathing so many infants a day. I love bathing babies. Cos I can dress them up and make them smell nice. hehe. I have a male infant "Keller Choo" who is 4 months old, his hair is super long and standing up. I dislike seeing his hair standing up so I will take his brush and comb it down. He look more handsome with his hair down. I will laugh non-stop after combing his hair. Cos he simply look cute and funny. haha. it's a way to entertain myself at work. actually there's a lot of interesting things happening in school. i should blog and share wif u all regularly. And today one of my favourite infant "Liew Jun Lei" (first baby i bathed), he transfered to another class cos he is already 10months old. I miss him. Before I knock off from work, I went to look for him, he crawl over to me and he smile. Oh man. So sweet. Hehe. I have 6 infants under my care now. I share more about them soon. =p
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
8:37 PM