Monday, April 30, 2007
So what can I say
What can I do
to offer this heart O God
completely to You!
I stand with arm high
and heart-abandoned
in awe the one who gave it all
I stand my soul Lord
to you surrender
all I am is yours
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:52 PM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Psalm 34:17-18
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
And delivers them out of all their troubles,
The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,
And saves such as have a contrite spirit.
I went for a last minute prayer meeting after my children church today. Though I went alone, I expect God to touch me in a great way. The prayer meeting was called to pray for SUN. And I can say it was super good! Pastor Eileen lead the prayer meeting! She can really bring us to heaven and back on earth. While praying and worshipping God. I can see a glimpse of Jesus opening the door of the conference room and walk straight into our midst. His presence is so strongly felt. Our prayers are so powerful that we pull down His presence. Even as we pray for Sun, we are reminded of the good works that she has done. She is really the missonary that we send out as a church. I am really proud of her achievement. She does not only sing and perform, she touches lives around her in the media industry and she helps the poor student in china to build school. One day, I want to go to her school and teach the little ones. Hehe. I just feel so revive in my spirit. God have show me a great vision. After the prayer meeting, I went to office. I was alone again. I feel kinda lonely but I know God is with me! I worked for 3 hours, trying to clear up some bad locks but I only finish 5% of the work. haha. The coming week will be better. God is with me, I do not need to fear! P.s: see the photo - a smiley face drawn on my desk and this is the 2nd one I found, still wondering who draws it! The person really want to bring joy into my life by drawing the smiley face. Wahaha.
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:42 PM
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Psalm 119: 137-176
Let Your hand become my help,
For I have chosen Your precepts,
I long for your salvation, O Lord,
And your law is my delight.
Let my soul live, and it shall praise You;
And let Your judgments help me.
I have gone astray like a lost sheep;
Seek Your servant,
For I do not forget Your commandments.
I feel so burden by my work, that I lose focus in my life! I got to get back my passion for God and really pursuit after my dream and desire in life! 2007 have not been a good year for me since the start! Everything just don't go the way I want it to be. Facing so so many challenges. I lose my sight and vision! I do not see where I am going! But now I make a decision to plan and stick closely to it, so that I will not go astray again! Let God's hand become my help! The prove of my desire is in my pursuit! Indeed my pursuit will determines how desperate am I to let my desire coming past! Time is so important! I got to understand my time and season! Perhaps God let me go through so much in the beginning of this year, so that He can mould and change my character and prepare me for the future! Maturity does not come with age but its come with the ability to accept responsibility! I learnt and I move forward step by step and day by day! God is watching over me! I better write down my dream and desire so that whatever is written and as I confess it by FAITH, it will come to pass! Dream no.1: 'Go' for mission trip to Taiwan in June or July! Dream no.2: Enrol into Learning capital (pre-school teaching) in November! Dream no.3: Get attached in December! (God knows, I want an older and spiritually mature bf, also someone who is muscially inclined) =) I really pray hard that God will give me the provision as I see this vision! Nothing is impossible with God! I have to let go of the things that I hold on to and move on! It's hard but I believe God is the strength of my heart! I can do it!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
11:22 AM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Enlarge the place of your tent.' - Isaiah 54
As we get larger, we must get larger.
It's impossible to run a large organisation like a small one.
Bigger groups attract bigger people.
We have to become bigger people to handle bigger people.
Enlargement means - I get more generous;
I widen my acceptance of others; I'm more merciful;
I plan bigger, longer, grander plans; I stretch!
I cope with more.
I have more patience, greater love, stronger joy, firmer purpose.
I enlarge!
I need the strength, grace and wisdom from God! I can't do it without God. It is really tiring to go through each day without realizing what you have done significantly. My vision for now is that I want to make a impact in at least one person's life everyday! Touching life with my little small act! As I serve the purpose of others, I believe I will be able to gain more myself. Life can be beautiful! I want to have all the time in the world to spend with all my friends and loved one! I haven't been meeting up my old friends. I miss them so much. I also want to spend more time with my family. They are so dear to me. I really pray that I can manage my time well and use it wisely!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:39 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
~I just desire to have the simplicity in my heart that is in Christ in the midst of all busiest! This week have been so challenging for me. After the great weekend, I am back to do the purpose of God in the marketplace. I wanted to do so much more for God in the lives of other. Live to make a difference in others. But I just lose heart to do so cause of the overflowing work that is waiting for me to complete. Plus those agents keep on calling me and I making some mistakes. So stressed up. I want to be focus and really concentrate on the things i do so as to do it right. I gonna be more sharp and not blur. Haha. It's a great learning experience I could say. Though I have thoughts of giving out. I know I can't. I have to hang on there and depend on the strength from God to pull it through. God knows what I am going through! I will shine forth like a star! Indeed in everything, there is a time and season to it! Thank God for everything. I can do it by God and myself. I will be strong! Every little thing gonna be alrite~
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
11:46 PM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Over the mountains and the sea
your river runs with love for me
and I will open up my heart
and let the healer set me free
I'm happy to be in the truth
andI will daily lift my hands
I will always sing of when your love came down
I could sing of your love forever
I could sing of your love forever
I could sing of your love forever
I could sing of your love forever
Oh I feel like dancing
It's foolishness I know
but when the world has seen the light
They will dance with joy
like we are dancing now
Dear God,
I just want to dwell in your presence forever,
I look to You for my source of strength,
You are my hiding place, my shelter, my comfort.
I am living for You alone. Come and take control.
Have your way in me Lord! I do not know how.
But You will lead me, for You are my shepherd.
Thank you Jesus!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:46 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Deuteronomy 4:29-31
But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. When you are in distress, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, when you turn to the Lord your God and obey His voice (for the Lord your God is a merciful God), He will not forsake the covenant of your fathers which He swored to them.
Dear God,
I want to see you face to face.
I want to be by your side.
I want to hear from you.
Lead me and teach me!
strengthen me and substain me!
Show me your way, Lord!
You are glorious and wonderful!
Thank You Jesus for your saving grace!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
11:14 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
"God bless the broken road"
I set out on a narrow way, many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream
Lead me to where you are
Others who broke my heart
They were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way
Into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.
I think about the years I spent
just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost
and give it back to you
but you just smile and take my hand
You been there, you understand
It's all part of a grander plan
that is coming true.
Now I'm just rolling home
into my lovers arms
this much i know is true
that God blessed the broken road
that led me straight to you
That God blessed the broken road
that led me straight to you.
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
9:17 PM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Isaiah 53: 5
But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.
Pastor Benny Hinn service was a life changing experience. The power of God is so strongly manifested! The Holy spirit is so real! Pastor preached about the cross! When the cross is being revealed, healing will take place. Salvation and healing are twins. Jesus came to heal and save all! The front of the cross is salvation and the back of the cross is healing from the stripes of Jesus. He came also to reveal God the Father and the gift of eternal life! How great is our God! Pastor also shared that our time here on the earth is short. Jesus is coming back very soon. We must really seize the time! Do the works of our Lord and fulfill the promises of God!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
11:23 PM