Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Work has been tiring. I been working extra one hour or half an hour almost everyday for the past 2 weeks, due to the hand foot mouth disease found in 2 of our children. Thank God they are okie and healthy now! Thank God for substaining me through the week! His grace is sufficient for me! =p
1Peter 5:7
Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you!
Crown specially made for birthday girl-Min Han 2Oct and birthday boy-Ethan 10Oct. They gonna celebrate their first birthday next week. Looking forward to the party!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:28 PM
My personality type:
You Are An ESFJ |
![]() The Caregiver You are sympathetic and caring, putting friends and family first. A creature of habit, you prefer routines and have trouble with change. You love being in groups - whether you're helping people or working on a project. You are good at listening, laughing, and bringing out the best in people. In love, you value harmony and mutual understanding. You will apologize or give someone the benefit of the doubt, if it means getting over a fight sooner. At work, you are good at building relationships and connecting with people. You would make a great nurse, social worker, or teacher. How you see yourself: Organized, dependable, co-operative When other people don't get you, they see you as: Opinionated, critical, and know-it-all |
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:25 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
My favourite boy (nephew) has grown up already. He is going primary one next year. Time really flies fast! He came to visit us today. It's been one month since I last saw him. Look at the handsome boy. hee.
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:08 PM
My work has been good. I love going to work more now. Hehe. Perhaps I get used to the environment and it been an enjoyable time spend with the kids. Initially I was attached to kids aged 7months to 18months, but my boss(principal) just changed me over to 2months to 7months without noticing me earlier on. That day when I reach the center, she told me that I will stay at the younger age group side. She didn't give me time to prepare my heart. My heart is just so unwilling when she wanted me to take care of the babies. Cos I just get familiar to all the kids and I got to start all over again with the other group. Furthermore, I like kids who can response. It is really a test. Deep down my heart, I was crying out to God. I think I am too comfortable at where I am that I don't want to move on. I was afraid that I can't handle the babies. Still, I obey. I follow what my boss instructed me to do. I learnt and I am really happy taking care the babies. Hehe. They are so adorable and innocent. One thing good is that they don't run around. And of cos I love the older age group, I will still get to play with them whenever the teachers need my help to look after them. Indeed God has greater plan for me. The colleague that I am working with in the same group, she is very nice, I thank God for her. Though she is abt 60 yr old, she is hip! Hee. Take a look at my latest art work below (lantern with the babies' foot print on it). My boss praise me for it. She like it! Hehe. God is good!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
9:26 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Quote - ' To do two things at once is to do neither.' - Publilius Syrus
Head Down, Straight Ahead.
'Head down' means I'm unbothered by what the others are doing.
It means I'm personally doing the best I can on my pathway.
It means I'm not anxious about what others are thinking.
It means I'm pre-occupied with what I'm doing not what others are doing.
'Straight ahead' means I stick to my course.
I don't keep changing when it doesn't work the way like I thought it would.
I remain undistracted from tempting turn offs in the road.
Head Down, Straight Ahead!
Stick to the plan.
Leadership files by Pastor Phil Pringle
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
8:35 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
I got a special encounter with Nick Vujicic last saturday. It's my first time meeting someone who has no arms and legs. I went to take photo with him together with my cg members. And he talked to me and prayed a short prayer for me. I am just so moved, almost wanted to cry. I don't remember what he prayed. Hehe. It is totally incredible to see him smile so brightly. I am so touched by how God can use him and how courageous he is to share his life experience. Having born without limbs. It is an unbelievable story. I just can't imagine myself without any parts of my body. How can I eat, write, work without any hands and how much more without legs. There are a lot of limitation. But Nick is so brave. He can swims with his little foot and he loves fishing and playing soccer. He is amazing! I will never forget the moment that he prayed for me. I will be reminded of God's love and mercy towards him and I will be strong! If God can use him, God can use me too and God can use you as well! Thank you Nick Vujicic for stepping out!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:16 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thank God for "Living Out Loud" event yesterday. I am tremendously blessed by it. I am just so encourage when Pastor audrey shared the message about DREAM. The night before I am just thinking about my dream. Wondering when will my dream come to past. I thought to myself I am bored with my life now. It is just so routine. Though I love it. As Pastor was sharing Dream is a substance for life great achievement. Great thing come from small beginning. Yes. I may be starting small in my dream today. One day my dream will grow bigger. Dream develops us. I want to be those with God's dream. Indeed who we are today is a result of our dream yesterday. Where I am right now is because I dreamt last year that I will be a teacher. I am not exactly at my dream. I dream of opening a pre-school in 10years' time which is in 2017. I can't see it now but in I can see it through the eyes of God. I got to live everyday of my day with a dream. I dream of being a teacher last year and I became teacher this year. So next year I dream of going SOT, I will definitely go next year! JOO JOO! You are my example! You go through it despite of your circumstances. I am not going to any Dream-busters (friend, fatigue, failure and fear) to stop me from reaching my dreams!! I will care less and fear not! God is going to take care of me and every other thing is gonna be alright! You give me the courage to take the first step to SOT! Thanks! Love you! I gonna go in 2008! It's not going to be easy but I believe in my Father God. Let's make a difference! =p
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
12:08 AM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Leadership files by Pastor Phil Pringle
Quote - ' You've helped me become a more caring person McWhater, but now i don't need you anymore. - Cartoon, "Across the Board" April 1996
Put yourself in other people's shoes.
What is it like to deal with you?
Would you come back?
Would you enjoy being the other person in your world?
Would you go to you church? Why?
Would you buy your product? Why?
Would you read your book? Why?
Would you enjoy being your wife? Husband? Your kids? Your friends?
Reflection: sometimes I really wonder why and i will often question myself "would I"... Life is really about growing up, learning, falling and reaching for our dreams. Ultimately we aim to live the dream and leave a legacy behind for people to remember. There are just so much I got to do and I don't know how to. I just learned that I got to love God and people then everything else gonna be alright. It is not easy but God is able! Seeing me through, walking beside me, guiding me along the way. I am living my life for a purpose greater than myself. There is no greater reward and no higher calling than living it for God. I wanna live every moment, every day, every hour, every minute, every second count for God and seize every opportunity I have each day!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:30 PM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
It's my first time celebrating Teacher's day as a career. I celebrated Teacher's day as a ministry in the past few years. But it's truly great to be called out to be a Teacher. Hehe. I am so blessed. Yesterday, we have a Teacher's day retreat to Batam for one day tour. I have an enjoyable time getting to know my colleagues more. They really take good care of me. me,Teacher Mabel,Teacher Stephanie,Teacher Jenny,Teacher Chia,Teacher Nabishah
Teacher's day gift (towel) from Ethan's parent
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:39 AM