Thursday, November 29, 2007
Quote - ' You do what you have to do, to do what you want to do.' - Patricia Fripp
The world lies at the feet of the disciplined.
Everyone dreams. But only the disciplined will accomplish theirs.
A dream without disciplines is the pathway to frustration, anger, and deep disappointment.
Even a dream from God has no guarantee it will come to pass.
Success of the dream demands discipline.
Start disciplined, stay disciplined, finish disciplined.
Disciplines are the way of life.
Morals, finances, attitudes, emotions, relationships, work, devotions; all require discipline to be healthy and successful.
Dreams demands discipline so that it will come to past! Haven't been blogging for the past weeks. I am busy with things at the infant centre and church. Thank God for his grace and strength! There are a lot of things to share but I couldn't find time to blog. Praying that God will expand everyday of my time. hee. I went Powerhouse today after so many years. It is really good spending time with God at the powerhouse. I can send his presence so strongly. I really got to discipline myself to go there once every week. Thank God for refreshing and reviving my spirit. I am believing for new things, new beginning and new breakthrough to take place in my life! God is here with me. I do not have to worry or be afraid. 2007 has not been a good year for me. a lot of things happen but God is still here with me. I am glad I make it through with his strength. As i step forward with faith to fulfill my destiny in 2008, I know I can depend on his spirit to lead me on.=p
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
11:12 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:25 PM
Friday, November 16, 2007
it's a more relaxing day. cos 2 infants was absent today. but i really dislike one of my colleagues. she will always keep complaining to me about other colleagues. and this morning i saw her while walking to school. cos both of us work same timing today. then she complained about boss. early in the morning. i was like. there she goes again. haha. but i keep telling myself, i got to love her but yet i will not gossip together with her. i try to listen and not comment much. hehe. today cg was good. overcoming stress! yea. got to give all our stress to christ! i miss my mum, she went thailand for a week. she will be back tonight. i want to see her soon. haha. i have never miss my mum so much before! =p
*look at Jesus, look at what he is like, look at what he does, listen to what he says and follow him closely wherever he goes, ALL THE WAY!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:47 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
hellooo. i hope to blog something everyday. here's the things i do today! i bathed 5 infants all at one go. My first time bathing so many infants a day. I love bathing babies. Cos I can dress them up and make them smell nice. hehe. I have a male infant "Keller Choo" who is 4 months old, his hair is super long and standing up. I dislike seeing his hair standing up so I will take his brush and comb it down. He look more handsome with his hair down. I will laugh non-stop after combing his hair. Cos he simply look cute and funny. haha. it's a way to entertain myself at work. actually there's a lot of interesting things happening in school. i should blog and share wif u all regularly. And today one of my favourite infant "Liew Jun Lei" (first baby i bathed), he transfered to another class cos he is already 10months old. I miss him. Before I knock off from work, I went to look for him, he crawl over to me and he smile. Oh man. So sweet. Hehe. I have 6 infants under my care now. I share more about them soon. =p
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
8:37 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Good news~! I went to submit my application form for pre-school education in teaching to Advent Links-Sauc Education Center for Children and Family Studies on monday. Guess what! I received the letter of acceptance today! I am so happy! Cos I have been looking for a suitable school with flexible timing so that it wouldn't crash with cg, svc, playgp and oso SOT next year. God is awesome! This is just the beginning. I gonna start my 2 years part-time course on Jan 7, 2008. I have applied through NTUC funding. I really pray that NTUC will approved my request so that I only need to pay 20% of my school fees! Hooray! God has a great plan for me! There's more to update when I start my course! Thank God once again! =p
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
7:26 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
hey hey! like my new blogskin? hehe. i just like to have a new change. i hope to update new things too. it's already mid november. thank God for sustaining me!
Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. rom 14:22
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
9:07 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Quote - ' Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit' - Phil 2:3
What we act on we strengthen.
If we are angry and we act on it we strengthen anger.
If we are proud and act on it we strengthen presumption and arrogance.
If we are tempted to sin and we act on it, we strengthen our weakness to resist temptation.
If we are anxious and we allow it to drive us to action, we strengthen worry.
However, if we resist temptation we strengthen our will.
Our will is like a muscle.
Every time we make a decision it is like lifting a weight.
We strengthen the muscle of our will.
When we control our temper we strengthen self-control.
When we refuse anxiety and rather trust God speaking out His promises, we strengthen faith instead of doubt.
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
9:55 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Thank God! It's my birthday! Oh man. I can't believe that I am ** now. haha. How i wish time will stay with me. Hehe. Indeed God is great! I have a good time working today! Though is a normal working day but I feel happier than usual. I am super touched is when the teachers played the birthday song for me and they sing for me! But my children don't know how to sing but they clap and dance with the music. I am thankful for them already! so sweet of them! And ya of cos,my beloved cg member celebrated for me! Though no surprises. Haha. But still, I appreciate everyone of them! Thank you all! Thank you johnny(xue le) for joining us for cg today! you make my day more special! hee.
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
12:01 AM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Quote - ' That which we are, we are all the while teaching, not voluntarily, but involuntarily.' - Ralph Waldo Emerson
What we say and what we do must agree.
Our people will do what we do more than what we say.
What walks in fathers runs in children.
The way we handle our people is the way they will handle others.
What we do to our people is what they will do to others.
Our actions will always be more powerful than our words.
People accuse or excuse themselves on the actions of their leaders.
Our lives are the most powerful message we will ever preach.
People ask themselves, 'What would (that person) do in this situation?'
And thus they get counsel from knowing the life of their leader
Reflection: I feel having the best model in life is so powerful and important. Having a role model to follow from and be like them is truly inspiring. My greatest role model in life is Pastor Kong and Sun. They are really the man and women of God. Everything that they do, really brings much honor to God. I really admire them a lot. The other role model in life is Wang Lee Hom. His passion for music has inspired me tremendously. I enjoy his music very much. And of cos all the leaders whom God has placed in my christian walk, they have lead me beyond where I should be. I thank God for every leaders He has placed in my life. I like Pastor Phil, always encourage by his messages! And the most important role model of my life should be my parents, I love them!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
9:04 PM