Monday, July 30, 2007
Yesterday was a blessed sunday! In the morning, I was blessed with a chicken pie by Lishan (sec sch cum church friend) and then Colin (ex cg member) came to give me a bottle of fruit plus as promised. (there is a sowing and reaping principle behind it) and then my playgroup ic buy us donut and chicken pie for our lunch. I am just so blessed. Thank you God! =) The bottle of sweets that I will probably take months to finish up. And I want to say Ethan John (Pastor Derek's son) He is super smart. He saw me keeping the bottle of sweet and he tell another teacher that he saw sweets over at the table. Haha. and asked the teacher to take it for him. Haha. Thanks Colin for keeping the promise and going the extra mile to look for it! He sowed a sweet to me then he reaped back a packet of sweet and now he sowed a bottle to me. What's next?
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:57 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Quote - 'But without faith it is impossible to please Him.' - Hebrews 11:6
Faith pleases God!
Sincerity is a weak position from which to live life and attempt to please God.
We may think sincerity pleases God however it is actually bold, confident faith that gains His favour.
Be sincere but don't think your life will work because you're sincere.
Sure, you're sincere, but does it work?
Sure, your philosophy is such and such, but does it accomplish your desired results?
Sincerity must walk with confidence.
Be bold, be confident.
Go the bold!
Leadership files by Pastor Phil Pringle
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
11:09 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Colouring from my precious nephew Ignatius. I was asking him for help to colour the pictures to show my babies. But I think he is too creative. His soldier is too colourful. So I decided to keep it for myself after he finished with it. And I requested him to write down his name and to me and the date on it. haha. Crazy aunt rite? Simply love him. Hee. He just do so as i requested. So happy. Looking at him, brighten up my day. He is my treasure!
This was done by my dearest niece Yolanda. She did a better job than the brother. haha. She is in primary 2 now. She has grown so much. love her much too. They are a blessing to me.
This is my master piece. haha. I can't draw. I can only colour. How I wish I could draw. I try but I fail. hee. I enjoy doing art and craft a lot. It's fun! Thank God for the chance. I am slowly getting use to my work and the babies and the teachers (there are politics too)! I enjoy but is tiring. I pray that God will multiply my time and strengthen me! Imagine the work I have in school and I have to do the art for homework to display in school. hee. But no worries. With God all things are possible =)
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:41 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Elliott-my fav boy!(going back to spain soon as his dad is working there.gonna miss him)
Aren't they cute? Ethan, Min Han and Navin.
The 2nd week of my job is better. Starting to adjust myself to the work and adapt the environment. But I feel rather weak, i don't know is it because I can't get use to the vegetarian meal at the school during lunch. I thought I could save money and don't need to think so much about what to eat. That causes my body to react and have diarrhoea and I feel like vomiting sometimes. The other reason is also due to the boo boo of my babies when i need to do some cleaning up for them. Haha. God, I prayed for a strong health! I will prosper in my soul and my body! Overall, I enjoyed. I like to do art work with them the most. Perhaps is the experiences I have gained in Children Church. The teachers there quite like my creativity. Thank God for that! Something I can give glory to him in the marketplace! Hehe. I am still mastering the skill to put the babies to bed, feed them, bath and change diapers for them. These are the most important skills that I can acquire only by doing it. I am grateful I got the chance to do so. Preparing myself! Haha.
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:17 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Job 23: 10-14
But He knows the way that I take; when he tested me, I shall come forth as gold. My foot has held fast to His steps; I have kept His way and not turned aside. I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. But He is unique, and who can make Him change? And whatever His soul desires, that He does. For He performs what is appointed for me, And many such things are with Him.
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
9:17 PM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Quote - ' We know that communication is a problem, but the company is not going to discuss it with the employees." - (Switching supervisor, AT&T Long Lines Division)
Let your fingers do the walking.
Use the phone.
Leave messages on answering machines.
Love the phone.
Don't hate the phone it's one of your most incredible tools.
Contact is the essence of your network.
Contact leads to communication.
Communication leads to connection.
Connection leads to destiny.
Contact all the people in your relational world regularly.
Contact, contact, contact.
Leadership files by Pastor Phil Pringle.
Reflection: Totally agreed with Pastor Phil, I used to dislike talking on phone. But seriously a phone call really means alot. I received a call from my Children church IC after posting this. I feel i should really shared how much she impacted me. A phone call really connect people. She take her time off to call and concern about me and my work. I wanted to sms her and let her know that my work was good and everything is fine. And she called me first despite of her busyness. I really appreciate her a lot. When she shared with me that her son is having fever. I feel even touched. Her son is sick and she still go an extra mile to call me. No words can express how I feel for her. A great leader indeed! She is really one of the best leader I see! I thank God for her! Before my IC call, I call a friend who need a listening ear. She pours out to me all her fear, worries, troubles. I tried to console her but she still feel quite down. I hope by talking and lending her a listening ear and some sound advice. Hope she will be able to solve out her problems and move on in life! Contact is really a powerful source to touch lives! Though right now I feel I'm still a toddler taking his first steps. The occasional stumble is inevitable. But I will stand up. I must stand up. And continue.
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
7:40 PM
Monday, July 9, 2007
First day of work in childcare centre! God is amazing! The first kid I saw when I step into the centre is SEBASTIAN's Didi. I am so surprise to see him. Haha. I go to him and ask if he remember me. Hehe. Do you know that day I went to their great grandmother's wake, I go down to the centre for interview. It is just so unbelievable! That day at the wake I wanted to carry him and I try all ways to bring him over. I showed him a photo of chip on my phone and tell him I will buy for him if he will to allow me to carry. Haha. And he actually believe and allow me to carry. I promise him I will buy the soft toys for me but I thought to myself,"am I really going to buy for him." Hehe. Until I saw him this morning, I really got to stay to my word and buy for him. Haha. Though I wasn't attached to his age group. He actually remember me when I show him the photo that me and kristin took with him. He was calling out Jie Jie and turn to his friends and called me Jie Jie. He is so cute. Later on the teacher bring me to the infant care a few blocks away. God, help me! I am not really trained to handle the baby before. I only teach children age 2-3 years old in children church. I am more familiar to handle the age group. As they are able to response to me and talk to me. Whereas right now I ought to take care of the baby from 7-13months. They are pretty small, they can't really understand and talk. And most of the time I have to play with them and watching over them. I got to feed them almost every moment. Haha. They are so blessed. They are given cereal in the morning, porridge for lunch, fruits for snack and milk at the end of the day. Imagine those babies crying. At first it seem okie. But I am quite exhausted hearing so many babies crying at the same time. I haven start to bath them and change diaper for them yet. I feel like I am more like a babysitter now than a teacher. I want to be able to teach. I can say being a teacher is not easy. I know from the start. I got to endure through. Is really a training ground for me. So that I can move on from there. I hope to teach the older age group children soon. For the moment, I just got avail myself and be willing to do whatever the teachers want me to do. Be submissive! Hehe. Pastor AR Bernard once preached before that ability will grow to the level of your dreams. The ability increases when you use it. Also with ability comes responsibility and it attracts opportunity too. I pray that God will increase the ability in it and enlarge my capacity to contain more things. I got to be even stronger than before! God, mould me and change me! Let me be the best teacher that I can be! I might be starting small today, I will be successful one day in Jesus' name!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
8:32 PM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Praise the Lord! I got a Job! Woohoo! I am starting work on monday.
Thank God for favor of man! Thank God for my children church IC for
recommending. She even accompany me down for the interview as she
was attached to the school before. She went to find some colleagues
and chat while I having interview. Hehe. She is another great example
that I should follow. She has a business and she need to manage her
family, ministry and also the attachment a few months back. She shared
with me a lot of her experiences and how I should learn and do. I am
so happy and excited! Thank God. Everything is in his plan. Before I went
for interview, my heart is anxious cause I am afraid I can't get
cause I am not trained and do not have a certificate or diploma in this
area. I prayed and I read a book. And God showed me this sentence that
touched my heart and encourage me to go on trusting Him.
"With Him at the lead, I am destined to succeed!"
I keep on meditating on it. And I got the peace and joy of the Lord,
confirming that I will have the job before I got it!
And this morning before I went out for interview, I am touched that for the
first time my mum encourage me saying whatever things I do, do it with
confident! Yea! Thank God for showing me the way! Thank God I find the way!
I be teaching in a childcare centre for toddlers at Jalan Behagia (Balestier).
It is near my place. Hee. I will PRESS IN and LEARN as much things as I can
in this period of time! Pray for me! I am starting out and preparing for
my dream! Opening a pre-school centre one day! Send all your kids to my school
10 years later. okie friends? Haha. =)
Emmanuel, Emmanuel (God is with me)
Abba Father never let me go!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
10:50 PM
Quote - 'If the axe is dull, and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength' - Ecclesiastes 10:10
Lost your 'cutting edge'?
You have to stop chopping to sharpen the axe - can't sharpen it while you're still chopping.
It will not grow sharper if you keep on using it.
It will only grow duller.
We stop cutting, we rest.
We recover our 'cutting edge.'
With less effort and more wisdom we find ourselves succeeding.
An Indian proverb says 'the bow that is always strung becomes slack.'
The best time to relax is before you have to.
If we make no time to rest, our mortal frame will force us to do so, somehow.
Leadership files by Pastor Phil Pringle
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
1:53 AM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Mickey Mouse Club House
I watched this with my nephew.
Cute Cute Cute! Hahaha!
Posted by
Blessed Phoebe
3:13 PM